General Information

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation is a healthcare discipline that utilizes scientific methods and techniques to preserve, treat, improve, and enhance the physical health and functional abilities of both patients and healthy individuals. Graduates who successfully complete the four-year undergraduate program providing education in this profession earn the title of physiotherapist. Physiotherapists can work in universities, public and private hospitals, inpatient medical centers, sports and fitness centers, prosthetics-orthotics rehabilitation centers, special education and rehabilitation centers, sports clubs, elderly care and rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, vocational rehabilitation centers, thermal spa and cure centers, research and development laboratories, as well as universities, colleges, and research institutes. 

Established in 2014, our department has 5 faculty members, including 1 assistant professor, 3 doctoral research assistants, and 1 research assistant. Since 2021, our department has been offering graduate-level education.